Diego Alves

Diego es amante de los deportes desde la infancia, le genera mucha curiosidad todo lo que incluya destreza física y diferentes usos del cuerpo. Cuando conoce calistenia, queda fascinado con el control y la conciencia corporal que se puede generar.
Luego conoce el AcroYoga y descubre los profundos valores detrás de la práctica. El autoconocimiento que genera en él lo impacta y su vida cambia rotundamente, de ser un contador a enfocarse en compartir con todas las personas que pueda esta nueva practica. Buscando empoderar a otros así como él fue empoderado.
Soltó su vieja vida para comenzar a viajar por el mundo y conectar con diferentes comunidades.
Es muy nerd en la practica, ni base ni flyer, se considera mas un hibrido. Volar y basear mano a mano, basear whips, whipops e icarians, basear flows y vuelos con ojos vendados llenan su corazón.


Diego has been a sports lover since childhood, he is very curious about everything that involves physical dexterity and different uses of the body. He learned about calisthenics, and became fascinated with the control and body awareness that it offered him.
Then he learned about AcroYoga and discovered the deep values behind it. The self-knowledge acro generated in him changed his life dramatically. He went from being an accountant to focus on sharing this new practice with as many people as possible, seeking to empower others as he was empowered.
Diego let go of his old life to start traveling the world and connecting with different communities.
He is very nerdy in his acro practice, and considers himself more of a hybrid. Flying and basing hand to hand, basing whips, whipops and icarians, basing flows and blindfolded flights fill his heart.

Europe, North America, South America