Yolanda Jo

My passion for Acroyoga came in India, in 2009.. one friend Laura asked my if i wanted to fly.... and then was happened.. I FLEW!
From this moment many new sensations and emotions wake up inside of me, the seed of happiness start to grow...
My travel and the experiences, was the best education i could ever got, and meet people from different cultures and backgrounds, learn about their and lifestyles...
I m grateful for me to discovery of playfulness, connection, openness, flexibility, stability, trust, happiness, and connect with others and get fun!!
Create community of healing and much more....
Awakening and activating the senses of the knowledge of teaching i start a new path .. i invite you to know your self and your limits and then to expand them....
And then I felt responsible to share this beauty, give and receive in life...
My wish is for students to open channels to welcome new experiences using a language without words... that lead you to a state of Harmony and love for others...

Certifications :
Kundalini Yoga : 200 h (India)
Hatha yoga : 200 h (India)
Thai Massage : 100 h (Thailand)
Partner Acrobatics : 150 h (Thailand)
Flying Therapeutics : 50 h ( Thailand)

In addition i was experiences in healing courses and different type of meditation.
Since 7 years ago started my Devotion and passion for Yoga and Acroyoga, and explore many spiritual directions and teaching, i keep traveling in Asia living in abundance of Learning ,
the knoledge is the key of Hapiness... now im responsable to share from the temple of my hearth to you... FulL lOve...

Barcelona, World